Software Deployment


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Discovery of agent and
server inventory

Jetpatch Agent Manager talks to cloud and virtualization servers, as well as to tool servers, to build a complete, central view of which agents are deployed and running where, and under what configuration.

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In the cloud and on-premise

Running on-premise, in AWS, in Azure, or in an OpenStack cloud? Or maybe all of the above? Jetpatch Agent Manager works with all your environments, and can accelerate the process of shifting workloads from one environment to another.

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User and API-defined central agent management policies

New servers get the right agents deployed to them automatically. Servers migrating between data centers, or going through a dev-stage-run sequence, have their set of agents automatically adjusted for each situation.

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Agent auto-fix and reconfigure

    Jetpatch automatically identifies broken agents or agents in
    unhealthy state, and restarts, reconfigures or reinstalls them as necessary.

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Deep visibility and diagnostics of all agents

Explore the status of any agent, collect and read its log files.

Granular access to ensure that tool owners can remotely access only their own tools.

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Orchestrate agents and the servers they report to

Automatically register new agents with management servers, remove registered agents when they are no longer in use, and assign configuration to each agent.

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Agent resource management and throttling

Never let agents get in the way of business applications. When agents try to overconsume compute capacity or memory, Jetpatch confines them to agreed resource limits.

Jetpatch’s smart CPU throttling algorithm limits agent CPU when applications are running, but lets agents run freely when there is no contention.

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