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Simple, Reliable, and Repeatable Patching for Linux

No more patching Linux servers using time-consuming and outdated processes. Automate and optimize your patch remediation operations across all Linux machines and types.

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Enable your team to focus on high-value tasks by automating patch remediation for Linux.


Enable your team to focus on high-value tasks by automating patch remediation for Linux.


Enhance your organization’s security & compliance posture.


RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Oracle Linux, Amazon Linux… we’ve got you covered!

Trusted by Fortune 500 Companies

Patch Optimization
Patch Optimization

Effective Patch Testing

Execute thousands of end-user validation tests automatically and clear Linux patches for production with reduced scope of error and no costly delays.

Downtime Management
Downtime Management

Patch Legacy Linux Systems

Automated and scheduled patching process ensures that your legacy systems are secure and up-to-date.

Start Your 30 day Free Trial

Patch Optimization
Patch Optimization

Resolve Patch Repository & Vulnerability Scanner Mismatch

Integrate your existing scanners and security tool-stack to create a precise, seamless, automated patching process that eliminates risky silos and blindspots.

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